Support Impeachment Hearings for Bush and Cheney - Join Rep. Bob Wexler D-FL in demanding impeachment hearings for the many crimes committed by this administration. Visit




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Hands OFF Iraqi Oil - Leave the oil in Iraq to the citizens of that country - Don't participate in the largest theft of goods in modern history - Visit

Visit to see the work of OilChange International - Covering war in Iraq and its connection to global warming, the Iraqi Oil Law, Peak Oil information, and petroleum industry contributions to major political campaigns.

The Freedom From Oil Campaign is working to end America's oil addiction, stop oil wars, and curb global warming by convincing the auto industry to dramatically improve fuel efficiency and eliminate vehicle greenhouse gas emissions. Launched by RAN, Global Exchange, and the Ruckus Society in 2003, the campaign is pushing automakers to break their addiction to oil, create more jobs, and meet consumer demand for green cars by producing more fuel efficient vehicles.

Bush Lied! People Died! - Demand a Resolution of Inquiry - Support the work of in their attempts to expose the coverup of the rationale for war that was 'sexed up' and 'the facts made up to serve the policy'

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Consumers for Peace
1061 Main Street, PMB 111
Peekskill, NY 10566